About aR&D

aR&D and services

Through their applied research institutes, the Universities of Applied Sciences are academic partners of choice for industry and services.

These respond to various requests via applied research projects or the provision of services («Market Pull») and also take part in the transfer of knowledge and skills to third parties («Technology Push»).

For aR&D projects, external funding possibilities exist, such as:

  • InnoSuisse research projects between economic and academic partners, in which the academic partners are financed by the Confederation. InnoSuisse also offers innovation cheques that can provide CHF 15,000 for a feasibility study;
  • INTERREG cross-border projects, which involve academic and economic partners on both sides of the border;
  • European projects open to all researchers and all companies in the canton of Geneva;
  • under certain conditions, additional financing for a feasibility study may be sought from Geneva bodies;
  • or possibly financing internal to the HES-SO.

HEPIA's institutes are:

Institute Land Nature Landscape - inTNP

Institute for building culture, architecture, construction and territory – inPACT

Institute for Industrial Sciences and Technologies - inTECH



Head of the aR&D
Gilles Triscone

+41 22 546 24 26

Transition from 4 institutes to 3 institutes

In order to stimulate relevant and transdisciplinary research, the organization of research institutes has been redesigned.

  • The inSTI and inIT institutes come together under a single industrial and IT engineering institute: inTECH
  • The inTNE institute becomes the Institute Land Nature Landscape: inTNP
  • The inPACT institute is the institute for building culture, architecture, construction and territory