© HEAD – Genève

FAIRE ÉCO. Artistic co-creations in schools to experiment an eco-education

March 2023 to August 2024

Leading institution: HEAD – Genève
Project Leader: Collectif Microsillons (Marianne Guarino-Huet et Olivier Desvoignes)
Project team: TBD
Financing: HES -SO, HEAD – Genève

Link to issue-journal, ISSUE #20 – ECOPEDAGOGIES

Ecopedagogy is not just another pedagogy [...] it is linked to a utopian project: that of changing current human, social and environmental relations. Angela Antunes and Moacir Gadotti (2005:136)

Faire éco is a research project carried out by the microsillons collective, which unfolds around the co-creation - between intervening artists and students - of three artistic projects within the Geneva public school system, applying the tools and values of ecopedagogy. This project, which will involve the school institution as a whole (students, teaching community, technical team...) places at its center the question of collective action in the face of the climate crisis, using the means of art to facilitate this action. Bringing artists to develop such eco-educational projects in Geneva's public schools is, firstly, a way to approach the climate emergency with a complex and transdisciplinary way of thinking. Secondly, such artistic proposals allow us to leave a strictly "rational" approach to work with the register of emotions and thus make us feel the need for action on a structural and political level, beyond individual gestures.

View all of the school's projects