HOW - boundaries between workspaces and hospitality spaces are blurring ?

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Politecnico di Milano School of Design
Aula F.lli Castiglioni
Campus Bovisa-Durando, via Candiani 72, Milano
de 9h30 à 17h30

HOW (HOspitality and Workscape) International Conference, organized by the Politecnico di Milano, HEAD's partner school, in Milan on 24 May 2017, offers an exchange and reflection on contemporary interior design and new scenarios. Inventing between workplaces and hospitality.
The projects resulting from the workshop "Semaine de tous les possibles" carried out in February at HEAD will be presented. 

09h00  Registration
09h30  Welcome speech
10h00  SESSION 1. Sharing experiences: research and teaching activities
"Design Hospitality" Lecture by Anne-Laure Gestering, professor, HEAD – Genève

11h15  Case studies
12h00  SESSION 2. Farb research, first outcomes
13h30  Guidelines and open issues

15h00 ROUND TABLE (held in Italian with real-time translation in English) 
17h30 Exhibition opening "Hospitality and Work : Interior Design of New Hybrid Spaces" Building B2 - ground floor

The exhibition is based on the projects produced by students who attended the following Design Studios:
How Hospitality and Workspace: vivere, lavorare, viaggiare: l’interior design per la definizione di nuovi scenari tra lavoro e ospitalità. Laboratorio di metaprogetto a.a. 2016-2017 | sez. I2| Proff. Francesco Scullica – Elena Elgani con Arch. Barbara Bisconcini San Cristoforo, Arch. Marco De Allegri, Arch. Alberto Zanetta. Scuola del Design – Politecnico di Milano. 

Temporary workspheres Workshop, HEAD – Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design – Genève, 20-24 February 2017, Anne-Laure Gestering, Francesco Scullica, Elena Elgani.

Innovative Workscapes for Nomad Travellers Workshop, HfG Hochschule für Gestaltung
 Schwäbisch Gmünd – Schwäbisch Gmünd, 24-28 April 2017, Elena Elgani, Francesco Scullica.

Detailed program here

View all of the school's events

HOW - Les frontières entre les espaces de travail et les lieux d'hospitalité disparaissent-elles?
© Politecnico Milano