How does a house exist through time? What are the processes behind its operation? How does an everyday function affect the historical entity of the house? How can we add to an icon? How can we densify a perfect composition?
Through the study of 25 iconic, either modern, contemporary, or vernacular houses, classified into 5 categories (tower, slope, dug, elevated, and patio houses), first-year students have questioned the process of maintenance and its place in the domestic realm, which is often overlooked in architectural theory and history.
Questions such as “where to store a mop inside a modernist icon” or “how to create a handicapped toilet in a vernacular dwelling?” were addressed by the students.
Students: Afzali Soheil, Bissegger Viola, Blanc Aline, Bodin Camille, Bornet Annie, Broillet Taiana, Castella Noémie, Claveria Charlène, Divorne Lisa, Dumas Samuel, Escalante Diana, Gargano Tiziano, Hemidi Fanny, Jeannet Zoé, Kim Olga, Malumba Narcisse, Matton Théophile, Meuriot Anthony, Nagarajan Meghna, Pavliuchyk Sofiia, Rochat Elodie, Rodrigues Carolina, Terranova Lucie, Tshala Noemi, and Verrillo Matteo.