Master TRANS: online information session

Jeudi 24 février à 18h30
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Join us to discover the Master TRANS- of the HEAD - Geneva.

If you are looking to commit your artistic approach to public life, if you see art as a possible vector for social transformation, if in your mind collective and teaching methods fully participate in the creative process, then you will be able to develop all these avenues of work within the context of the TRANS MA programme. The TRANS MA defends a conscious, ethical and problematised approach to artistic work in a social context. In particular, it is based on alternative, critical and feminist teachings or on the concepts of trans-pedagogy, eco-pedagogy and care ethics.

The Microsillons Collective, in charge of the coordination of the Master, will explain the programs and the opportunities of the Master. You will also have the opportunity to talk with students and graduates of the Master's program to learn more about their journey within the HEAD and/or after graduation.

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DÉSIRE DÉSIRS de Naïma Pollet, projet de diplôme Trans 2021
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller