Portrait de Adrien Roux

Adrien Roux

Professeur HES associé
Responsable de groupe
Responsable de l'institut inTECH

+41 22 558 50 13
Bureau Campus Biotech - B3-02 218.118


  • Microtechniques

Site(s) d'enseignement

  • HEPIA Campus Biotech



HEPIA - Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture
c/o Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Genève

The e-Flower: A hydrogel-actuated 3D MEA for brain spheroid electrophysiology
Martinelli E., Akouissi O., Liebi L., Furfaro I., Maulà D., Savoia N., Remy A., Nikles L., Roux A., Stoppini L., Lacour S.P.
 Science advances 10(42), eadp8054.
Versatile micro-electrode array to monitor human iPSC derived 3D neural tissues at air-liquid interface
Stoppini L., Heuschkel M., Loussert-Fonta C., Gomez Baisac L., Roux A.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 18: 1389580.
Opening the black box of traumatic brain injury: a holistic approach combining human 3D neural tissue and an in vitro traumatic brain injury induction device
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17: 1189615.
Point-of-care device for assessing male fertility in animals through measurement of sperm concentration and motility
Najdenovska E., Dutoit F., Gomez Baisac L., Karlova Y., Karlov A., Roux A., Cuisenaire O., Raileanu L.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 57(S4): 82-83, Special Issue: Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), Thessaloniki, Greece, 28.09.-02.10.2022.
The Role of Interstitial Fluid Pressure in Cerebral Porous Biomaterial Integration
Bonini F., Mosser S., Mor F.M., Boutabla A., Burch P., Béduer A., Roux A., Braschler T.
Brain Sciences 12, 417.
Statistical distortion of supervised learning predictions in optical microscopy induced by image compression
Pomarico E., Schmidt C., Chays F., Nguyen D., Planchette A., Tissot A., Roux A., Pagès S., Batti L., Clausen C., Lasser T., Radenovic A., Sanguinetti B., Extermann J.
Scientific Reports 12, 3464.
Low-cost toxicogenomic profiling of Human iPSC derived minibrain reveals key adverse outcome pathways
Govindan S., Stoppini L., Roux A.
Toxicology Letters 350: S126-S127, Abstract book of the EUROTOX virtual congress, 27.09.-01.10.2021.
SpikeOnChip : A Custom Embedded Platform for Neuronal Activity Recording and Analysis
Wertenbroek R., Thoma Y., Mor F.M., Grassi S., Heuschkel M., Roux A., Stoppini L.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Epub ahead of print. 
Blood–Brain Barrier Dynamic Device with Uniform Shear Stress Distribution for Microscopy and Permeability Measurements
Choublier N., Müller Y., Gomez Baisac L., Laedermann J., de Rahm C., Declèves X., Roux A.
Applied Sciences 11, 5584.
Quantifying the Effect of Image Compression on Supervised Learning Tasks in Microscopy
Pomarico E., Schmidt C., Nguyen D., Planchette A., Roux A., Pagès S., Batti L., Clausen C., Lasser T., Radenovic A., Sanguinetti B., Extermann J.
Focus on Microscopy 2021, online conference, 28.-31.03.2021.
Mass Generation, Neuron Labelling and 3D Imaging of Minibrains
S. Govindan, L. Batti, S. F. Osterop, Stoppini L., Roux A.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8:582650.
Portable tool for analyzing male fertility based on the measurement of sperm concentration and mobility
Nogueira T., Gomez Baisac L., Najdenovska E., Dutoit F., Karlova Y., Karlov A., Cuisenaire O., Raileanu L.E., Roux A.
Swiss Symposium in Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Visp, 29.10.2020.
Soft Printable Electrode Coating for Neural Interfaces
Shur M., Fallegger F., Pirondini E., Roux A., Bichat A., Barraud Q., Courtine G., Lacour S. P.
ACS Applied Bio Materials 3: 4388-4397.
Development and characterization of a novel Barrier-on-chip including dual fluidic chambers and integrated TEER electrodes (Poster)
Biointerfaces International Conference, Muttenz,
20.08.2024 - 23.08.2024
A fluidic and visualization platform for long-term and real-time electrophysiological monitoring of 3D Human neural tissues at air-liquid interface (Poster)
EUROoCS Conference, Milan, Italy,
03.07.2024 - 05.07.2024
Development of a vascularised in vitro model of neuroinflammatory and cancerous pathologies (Poster)
Pinheiro Marques J., Sivakumar S., Charrière J., Nikles L., Gomez Baisac L., Maire J., Barreto M., Mendes Ferreira V., Imhof B.A., Bradfield P.F., Roux A.
Swiss 3Rs Day, 3Rs in Oncology, Lausanne,
Microelectrode array Biochips for the electrical monitoring of 3d engineered human brain tissues (Poster)
Heuschkel M., Gomez Baisac L., Loussert-Fonta C., Stoppini L., Roux A.
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,
TEDD Visit: Campus Biotech
Co-organisation de l'événement, visite du labo Tissue Engineering et mots de bienvenue et de clôture, Campus Biotech, Genève,
Opening the black box of traumatic brain injury: a holistic approach combining human 3D neural tissue and an in vitro traumatic brain injury induction device
Swiss 3Rs Day, Lugano,
Dynamic measurement of bio-impedance on in vitro breathable lung-on-chip system for long- term cell barrier integrity assessment
Bouiller G., Roux A.
5th Conference on Impedance-Based Cellular Assays (IBCA 2023), Aachen, Germany,
04.09.2023 - 06.09.2023
Development of human 3D neural in vitro model to replace in vivo traumatic brain injury rodent model
Symposium on Alternative Methods in Scientific Research «The enormous potential of alternative models for future research», CMU, Genève,
Printed Electronics applied to BIOTECH and MEDTECH
Co-organisation de la journée suisse de l'électronique imprimée en partenariat avec Afelim, l'association francophone de l'électronique imprimée, Campus Biotech, Genève,
Microelectrode arrays for electrical monitoring of 3D engineered brain tissues at the air liquid interface (Poster)
Heuschkel M., Gomez Baisac L., Loussert-Fonta C., Stoppini L., Roux A.
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,
In vitro model to replace in vivo traumatic brain injury rodent model (Poster)
Swiss 3Rs Day, Bern,
Human brain-on-a chip: an in vitro platform for drug discovery and toxicity screening
2nd Workshop on Next Generation Organ-on-Chips & Organoids, Geneva,
23.08.2022 - 24.08.2022
Point-of-care sperm concentration and motility measurements using a portable acquisition and processing device (Poster)
Cuisenaire O., Karlov A., Roux A., Raileanu L.E.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Glasgow, Scotland,
11.07.2022 - 15.07.2022
Development of TEER instrument to monitor lung-on-chip barrier integrity (Poster)
EUROoCS Conference, Grenoble, France,
04.07.2022 - 05.07.2022
Development and implementation of an automated lung cell cilia visualisation platform compatible with cell culture environment (Poster)
LIVe 2022 - Lung in vitro event for innovative and predictive models, Nice, France,
13.06.2022 - 14.06.2022
Les microtechniques au service des sciences de la vie: le pari gagnant pour l'innovation
Co-organisation de l'évenement en partenariat avec l'OPI - Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies, Campus Biotech, Genève,
Amélioration des modèles in vitro de culture cellulaire grâce aux technologies développées dans le domaine de la bio-ingénierie
Les microtechniques au service des sciences de la vie: le pari gagnant pour l'innovation, évenement de l'OPI, Campus Biotech, Genève,
Portable tool for analyzing male fertility based on the measurement of sperm concentration and motility (Poster)
Swiss symposium in Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Davos,
Development of an in vitro Blood-Brain Barrier dynamic biochip with uniform shear stress repartition (Poster)
International symposium "Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers", online,
22.09.2021 - 24.09.2021
Development of a new perfusion system on Human in vitro Blood-Brain Barrier biochip for toxicity assessment (Poster)
European Organ-on-Chip Society (EurOoCS) annual meeting, online - Uppsala, Sweden,
01.07.2021 - 02.07.2021
Development of a new perfusion system on Human in vitro Blood-Brain Barrier biochip for toxicity assessment (Poster)
European Organ-on-Chip Society (EurOoCS) annual meeting, online - Uppsala, Sweden,
07.07.2020 - 09.07.2020
Development of an in vitro model based on human neural cells to study neuroinflammation processes (Poster)
100 Years of Microglia, international symposium, Lausanne,
Implementation of a perfusion system on Human BBB toxicity platform
SST (Société Suisse de Toxicologie) Annual Meeting 2019, Basel,
28.11.2019 - 29.11.2019
Theoretical and practical aspects of the trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and tissues interconnection
Altertox Workshop, Plan-les-Ouates,
14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019
Development of a perfusion biochip on Human in vitro BBB model
Conférence scientifique sur la barrière hémato-encéphalique, Paris, France,
Development of a new automatic platform for continuous monitoring of the Cilia Beating Frequency (CBF) (Poster)
Roux A., Gomez Baisac L., Simonnet N., Huang X.-Y., Constant S., Stoppini L.
Swiss 3Rs Day «60 years of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Animal Experimentation», Bern,
Human in vitro neurovascular unit model for neurotoxicity assessment
SCAHT Annual Research Meeting, Wangen an der Aare,
04.12.2018 - 05.12.2018
Development of an in vitro platform to test next neuroprobe generations (Poster)
Neuroprosthetic Symposium, Geneva,
Theoretical and practical aspects of the Trans-Epithelial Electrical Resistance (TEER)
Altertox Academy on In Vitro Lung Models, Plan-les-Ouates,
15.11.2018 - 16.11.2018
Mini-Brains on-a-Chip: 3D engineered nervous tissues derived from human stem cells for testing new generations of neural interfaces
Translational Neuroscience & Neuroengineering Workshop, Newport, USA,
In vitro system for integrity assessment of biological barriers (Poster et stand)
Journée HES-SO Diagnostic Biochips en collaboration avec la Fondation Inartis et la Health Valley Switzerland, Etoy,
In vitro neural tissue testing platform using Micro-Electrode Arrays (Poster et stand)
Journée HES-SO Diagnostic Biochips en collaboration avec la Fondation Inartis et la Health Valley Switzerland, Etoy,