Landscape Living Project

MENU Landscape Living Project
photo beeflora


Bees in urban areas: appraisal of condition, optimisation of floral resources and proposals for improvement.

photo Pully concepp


Participatory approach for public spaces in the town centre of Pully.

Atelier projet Pully coeur de Ville

Pully cœur de Ville

Citizens’ participatory approach to define the main public areas of the town centre

photo savge


Strategies for adapting cities to climate change through water management

Water for the soil

Photo projet trottoir territoire

Trottoir territoire

Methods of analysis to collect data on the evaluation of urban walks and parks

The main objective of this work is to develop methods of analysis of walks and parks accessible to all interested persons.

photo tranhabnat


Habitat/Nature Transitions. New typologies of spaces of transition between habitat and nature, designed with an inter-disciplinary approach, to accommodate more variety and diversity (biological and human) in urban territories.