Nuclear Chemistry and Physics

MENU Nuclear Chemistry and Physics


The nuclear chemistry and physics laboratories have long been closely related, both from the point of view of the coordinated teaching that is given and concerning the aR&D work and services provided in close collaboration.

They are of type B according to the meaning of the federal ordinance on radiological protection (ORaP). Unique at the HES level in Switzerland, they are equipped and approved for carrying out work requiring the use of radioactive sources. Consequently, personnel and students are classified as «persons professionally exposed to radiation» and, as such, are subject to statutory medical and dosimetric checks.

The nuclear physics laboratories is used for the measurement of radioactivity of the low-level type (detection of radioelements and measurement of activity). To perform high-quality environmental measurements, it relies on the nuclear chemistry laboratory where the samples and sources are prepared. Without this chemistry laboratory, separated physically from that where the measurements are carried out, it would be difficult to respond to the numerous external requests.

The laboratories are also used for training students from HEPIA's Microengineering curriculum and from the Medical Radiology Techniques curriculum from the HEdS (College of higher education in health).

Each year, they take part in the inter-gamma inter-comparisons organised by the federal public health office (OFSP).