Biocompatibility laboratory

Biocompatibility laboratory

The biocompatibility laboratory performs a battery of in vitro cellular tests to evaluate the potential response of cells to the tested materials/molecules. Any toxic response will be evaluated using a viability test, a cytotoxicity test or more specific tests such as neurotoxicity, neuro inflammation or a study on the expression of genes. These analysis are based on a platform being developed at the Biotech Campus in collaboration with the Wyss Center.

  • Equipment for cellular culture (laminar flow hoods, incubators, centrifuges)
  • Battery of biocompatibility tests (viability test, gene expression, cytotoxicity test)
  • Numerous cellular types from cell lines or reprogrammed human stem cells (iPS)
  • Platform for producing organoids (3 dimensional cellular culture)
  • Reader for microplates (fluorescence, luminescence, colorimetry)
  • Microscopy platform (phase-contrast microscopes, fluorescence microscopes, confocal microscopes and living cell imaging)



Head of laboratory

HEPIA – Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
Tissue Engineering Lab
1202 Genève