Soils and Substrates

MENU Soils and Substrates


Use of woody residues to restore soil fertility, control weeds and develop sustainable field crop systems



Soil quality and organic carbon sequestration



Protection of agricultural soil resources by characterising its vegetation cover by drone

Tpcom project


The demand for the Terra Preta 70 substrate (based on composted biochar) is growing. This technosoil with its many qualities (infiltration speed, fertility, water retention, filtration, etc.) is used in particular for new urban planting.

CarbSol project


Assessment of carbon stocks in agricultural soils

Project Csol

Csol - Climate soil and agriculture

This project consists of a set of research and expertises to address the climate issue, and in particular the sequestration of atmospheric organic carbon in cropland soils.

BioDivSol project


Soil organisms directly or indirectly control most soil ecosystem functions and services. However, the relationship between soil quality and soil biodiversity remains very poorly understood. 

Connected trees SEGGA project

Connected trees SEGGA

Global electronic tree management solution

Trees are essential to the quality of life of city residents. In order to fulfill their mission, trees must be healthy and safe.

IQSM project


Soil Quality Index - Morges Agglomeration

This pilot project, which is very innovative in terms of methodology, has been carried out in two phases:

Plan Climat Vaud project

Plan Climat Vaud

The first stage of this research project has the main objective of providing all the information necessary for the concrete and informed implementation of a climate plan measure based on carbon sequestration in the agricultural soils of the canton of Vaud.