Energy, Climate, Environment, Architecture

MENU Energy, Climate, Environment, Architecture
Photo microclimatmètre


The microclimatemeter is a lightweight, compact backpack that can be worn easily during journeys to examine the effects of climate change carried out at the speed and level of the pedestrian anywhere in the city.

photo eren


Energy and renovation - methods and tools for the energy renovation of buildings.

photo solargis


Three researchers from different academic institutions have developed a "solar-GIS" tool that has been made available for the present study on the canton of Geneva.


Soil: Climate regulator in urban areas.

Toiture végétalisée


Use of vegetated surfaces adapted to climate change in dense urban environments.

For more information, refer to the final report below.

EnE Casemates

Dynamic simulation of the summer interior climate in the context of a project for the development of the roof space, casemates building in the city of Geneva.

photo squad


Cross-border skills centre for planning and monitoring sustainable districts.


The Eco-OBS project started in 2009 and is part of the European INTERREG IVA programme.


EnerCAD is an interactive thermal design and optimisation environment for architects, thermal engineers and contracting authorities.


photo gbox


g-box is a solar calorimeter that measures heat flows through "translucent facade systems".