Portrait de Marc Heuschkel

Dr Marc Heuschkel

Adjoint scientifique HES

+41 22 558 61 02
Bureau Biotech - B3.02 197.136


  • Microtechniques

Site(s) d'enseignement

  • HEPIA Campus Biotech



HEPIA - Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture
c/o Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Genève

Versatile micro-electrode array to monitor human iPSC derived 3D neural tissues at air-liquid interface
Stoppini L., Heuschkel M., Loussert-Fonta C., Gomez Baisac L., Roux A.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 18: 1389580.
Opening the black box of traumatic brain injury: a holistic approach combining human 3D neural tissue and an in vitro traumatic brain injury induction device
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17: 1189615.
SpikeOnChip : A Custom Embedded Platform for Neuronal Activity Recording and Analysis
Wertenbroek R., Thoma Y., Mor F.M., Grassi S., Heuschkel M., Roux A., Stoppini L.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Epub ahead of print. 
Development and Characterization of PEDOT:PSS/Alginate Soft Microelectrodes for Application in Neuroprosthetics
Ferlauto L., D’Angelo A.N., Vagni P., Airaghi Leccardi M.J.I., Mor F., Cuttaz E.A., Heuschkel M., Stoppini L.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12:648.
A fluidic and visualization platform for long-term and real-time electrophysiological monitoring of 3D Human neural tissues at air-liquid interface (Poster)
EUROoCS Conference, Milan, Italy,
03.07.2024 - 05.07.2024
Microelectrode array Biochips for the electrical monitoring of 3d engineered human brain tissues (Poster)
Heuschkel M., Gomez Baisac L., Loussert-Fonta C., Stoppini L., Roux A.
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,
Microelectrode arrays for electrical monitoring of 3D engineered brain tissues at the air liquid interface (Poster)
Heuschkel M., Gomez Baisac L., Loussert-Fonta C., Stoppini L., Roux A.
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,
A MEA-based in vitro Traumatic Brain Injury Platform (Poster)
MEA-meeting, Tübingen, Germany,
A Novel Screening Platform for Electrophysiological Assessment of 3D Neural Tissues Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (Poster)
Biointerfaces International Zurich 2021 conference, online,
18.08.2021 - 19.08.2021
Porous and flexible polyimide microelectrode arrays (Poster)
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,
Porous and flexible polyimide microelectrode arrays (Poster)
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,
Brain on a chip and Geneva Array Technologies
3rd Wyss Center Investigator Meeting, Geneva,
Development of an in vitro platform to test next neuroprobe generations (Poster)
Neuroprosthetic Symposium, Geneva,
Polyimide-based 3D microelectrode arrays for in vitro testing of human 3D engineered neural tissues (Poster)
MEA Meeting 2018: 11th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany,
04.07.2018 - 06.07.2018
In vitro system for integrity assessment of biological barriers (Poster et stand)
Journée HES-SO Diagnostic Biochips en collaboration avec la Fondation Inartis et la Health Valley Switzerland, Etoy,
In vitro neural tissue testing platform using Micro-Electrode Arrays (Poster et stand)
Journée HES-SO Diagnostic Biochips en collaboration avec la Fondation Inartis et la Health Valley Switzerland, Etoy,
Porous and flexible polyimide microelectrode arrays (Poster)
MicroNanoFabrication Annual Review Meeting, EPFL Center of MicroNanoTechnology (CMi), Lausanne,