visuel bandeau labo

Interfaces and intelligent interactions are laboratory – I3

Interfaces and intelligent interactions are laboratory – I3

The I3 laboratory groups various hardware and software systems for developing highly interactive applications and systems. The laboratory is intended to investigate and innovate in the areas related to human/machine interaction and interaction procedures. Several points are covered and handled, such as graphical interfaces, natural interactions, immersive systems, games and serious games, virtual reality and augmented reality.


The I3 laboratory has various advanced systems, such as:

  • Powerful computers with high-performance graphical cards and wide screens
  • Virtual reality systems: Oculus, HTC VIVE, Gear, Google Glasses
  • Augmented reality systems: Microsoft Hololens
  • Touch-sensitive systems: Tablets, smartphones, touch-sensitive surfaces
  • Motion-sensing devices: Kinect 2, Leap Motion
  • Audiovisual systems: loudspeakers, headsets, microphones, web cams, 360° camera


Head of laboratory

Rue de la Prairie 4
Salles A404 et A401
1202 Genève