visuel bandeau labo inSTI

Industrial fluid mechanics and aerodynamics laboratory

Industrial fluid mechanics and aerodynamics laboratory

A centre providing services in fluid mechanics and energy.

  • Aerodynamics
  • Simulation of CFD flows
  • Mechanics of experimental fluids, test resources
  • Energy, thermal

In addition to the conventional instrumentation for measuring flows or thermal phenomena, the laboratory has instruments enabling the display of subsonic and supersonic flows.


To fulfil the mandates or research which are assigned to it, it also has a range of major installations and equipment, including:

  • a subsonic wind tunnel characterised by a large-dimension working section (1.5 x 2 m2, length 5 m)
  • a calibration wind tunnel with a low rate of turbulence, enabling speeds of 80 m/s (approx. 290 Km/h)
  • An educational wind tunnel of the Eiffel type characterised by a working section of 0.3 x 0.3 m2 and a maximum speed of 36 m/s
  • a supersonic wind tunnel for studying flows around mobiles and their display up to a Mach number of 2.4, i.e. nearly 3,000 km per hour. It has a working section of 0.12 x 0.08 m2
  • weighing machines of various capacities
  • a calibration room for calibrating weighing machines
  • 3D digitisation of mock-ups for creating 3D CAD files of mock-ups. Tools for the digital simulation of flows and digital transfers (ANSYS CFD, OpenFoam)
  • 3D printers for producing mock-up elements of 300 x 300 x 600 mm3. The group also has access to subcontractors and to HEPIA’s mechanics workshop

The laboratory has ANSYS Associate CFD licences (i.e. industrial), enabling it to implement mandates with companies.

It has access to ultra-modern computation resources, including 8 workstations of 16 cores 126 Gb RAM, as well as access to an HPC computation server of 2,500 cores.


Head of laboratory

Route du Pont-Butin 7
1213 Petit-Lancy