Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics

MENU Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics
photo aero traction transformer

Aero Traction Transformer CTI

Development of a new concept of traction transformer cooling. The objective of this project is to propose a lighter and more efficient transformer.

photo projet Ares II


The ARES II (Axial Retention Experiment for PMD sponges) team of HEPIA (HES-SO Geneva) and HEIA-FR (HES-SO Fribourg) students was selected to participate in cycle 10 of the European Space Agency's REXUS/BEXUS programme.

photo coolstock


Thermal ventilation capabilities - Production of a pilot, simulation tools and dimensioning.

photo projet fluvan


The improved performance of small solenoid valves is now increasingly generating a very tedious noise, which can sometimes prevent the use of the device.

photo ulm_prop


Evaluation of a Coanda-effect propulsion system for paramotors.

photo projet ecocarac


Comparative experimental characterisation of the energy and functional performance of several machine tool typologies.

photo nereid


Development and construction of a bubble-based direct condensation test bench, production of a Mat/ab simulation model in collaboration with the SME, first measurements and first calculations with the model.

photo buse jet d'eau


Geneva water jet simulation - analysis of a nozzle allowing a significant reduction in power.



photo aero disjoncteurs

Aero disjoncteurs CTI

Analysis of the aerothermic phenomena at the opening of a circuit breaker for trains.

logo rexus

CAESAR Team on the REXUS rocket

A team of HEPIA students launches a microgravity experiment on an ESA rocket.