
MENU Bioengineering
photo tampotronique


A method of printing on complex surfaces for integrating antennas and electronics on various materials.

Photo projet Wyss Center

Wyss Center Collaboration

The Wyss Center is an independent institution whose goal is to accelerate the development of neurotechnology.

photo intense_ls


Integrated Neurotoxicity Testing for Electrophysiological and Neurocellular and Seizurogenic Effects : a human stem cell (hiPSC)-based platform, as an alternative to animal models, to test new chemicals.

photo lifesens2


Portable, self-contained cell incubator for detecting water and area contaminants.

photo scaht


Swiss Centre Human Applied Toxicology : Human in vitro 2D and 3D models of mature neural networks for neurotoxicity assessment.

photo cellbarsens


Development of technology building blocks for the microengineering with long term sensing of tissues.

iFloor project


Intelligent floor for the detection of activities in buildings

The iFloor project falls within the context of the detection and localisation of people in indoor areas as well as the analysis of their trajectories (tracking issue). 

photo minibiodet


Development of technology building blocks for miniaturized label free biomarker detectors.

photo mubios


Microbiosystems customisable to specific applications in pharmacology and medicine (toxicology, diagnosis, point-of-care).

photo smarth2ogel


Smart and intelligent hydrogel-based scaffolds for tissue engineering and its application for construction of diagnostic biochips.