Marie-Therese Pugliese

Bibliothécaire documentaliste archiviste

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+41 22 558 61 47

Haute école de santé - Genève
Avenue de Champel 47, 1206 Genève, CH

7 publications

Barriers and facilitators of artificial intelligence conception and implementation for breast imaging diagnosis in clinical practice: a scoping review

Lokaj, B., Pugliese, M. T., Kinkel, K., Lovis, C., Schmid, J.

(2024). Barriers and facilitators of artificial intelligence conception and implementation for breast imaging diagnosis in clinical practice: a scoping review : European radiology.

Auteur(s) : Belinda Mataj-Lokaj, Marie-Therese Pugliese, Jérôme Schmid

Article scientifique

Barriers and facilitators of implementation of AI

Lokaj, B., Pugliese, M.-P., Kinkel, K., Lovis, C., Schmid, J.

(2024). Barriers and facilitators of implementation of AI : Annual Scientific Meeting 2024, European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI).

Auteur(s) : Belinda Mataj-Lokaj, Marie-Therese Pugliese, Jérôme Schmid

Présentation orale

Using simulation to adapt nursing education to times of crisis : a scoping review during Covid-19 pandemic

Dhaussy, J., Kemken, L., Pugliese, M.-T., Forestier, A., Boloré, S.

(2024). Using simulation to adapt nursing education to times of crisis : a scoping review during Covid-19 pandemic : Teaching and learning in nursing.

Auteur(s) : Jonathan Dhaussy, Lucie Kemken, Marie-Therese Pugliese, Aline Forestier, Sylvain Boloré

Article scientifique

Effectiveness of high versus lower enteral protein intake, considering energy intake, on clinical outcomes in critically ill children: a systematic review protocol

Jotterand Chaparro, C., Bertoni Maluf, V., Moullet, C., Kiszio, B., Pugliese, M. T., Ramelet, A. S., Morice, C., Valla, F. V., Tume, L. N.

(2023). Effectiveness of high versus lower enteral protein intake, considering energy intake, on clinical outcomes in critically ill children: a systematic review protocol : JBI evidence synthesis.

Auteur(s) : Corinne Jotterand Chaparro, Valeria Andrea Bertoni Maluf, Clémence Moullet, Marie-Therese Pugliese

Article scientifique

Prevalence and incidence of venous leg ulcers : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Probst, S., Saini, C., Gschwind, G., Stefanelli, A., Bobbink, P., Pugliese, M. T., Cekic, S., Pastor, D., Gethin, G.

(2023). Prevalence and incidence of venous leg ulcers : a systematic review and meta-analysis : International wound journal.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst, Camille Saini, Alessio Stefanelli, Paul Bobbink, Marie-Therese Pugliese

Article scientifique

Prevalence and incidence of venous leg ulcers : a protocol for a systematic review

Probst, S., Weller, C. D., Bobbink, P. , Saini, C. , Pugliese, M. , Buehrer Skinner, M., Gethin, G.

(2021). Prevalence and incidence of venous leg ulcers : a protocol for a systematic review : Systematic Reviews.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst, Paul Bobbink, Camille Saini, Marie-Therese Pugliese

Article scientifique

Nurse-led patient education for persons suffering from a venous leg ulcer in outpatient's clinics and homecare settings : a scoping review

Bobbink, P., Pugliese, M.-T., Larkin, P., Probst, S.

(2020). Nurse-led patient education for persons suffering from a venous leg ulcer in outpatient's clinics and homecare settings : a scoping review : Journal of Tissue Viability.

Auteur(s) : Paul Bobbink, Marie-Therese Pugliese, Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique