Sebastian Probst

Sebastian Probst

Professeur HES ordinaire

Soins infirmiers IR-HEdS

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  • Publications
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+41 22 558 65 63

Haute école de santé - Genève
Avenue de Champel 47, 1206 Genève, CH




Qualitative research Mixed-methods research Quantitative methods Qualitätsentwicklung

Domaine : Santé
Filière principale : Soins infirmiers

BSc HES-SO en Soins infirmiers - Haute école de santé - Genève

Méthodes de recherche

MSc HES-SO/UNIL en Sciences de la santé - HES-SO Master

Mixed Method Research

134 publications

Focusing on the optimal strategy to reduce pressure injuries : an example of IDEAL SKIIN CARES

Rahimi-Bashar, F., Pandian, V., Mahmoodpoor, A., Probst, S., Vahedian-Azimi, A.

(2025). Focusing on the optimal strategy to reduce pressure injuries : an example of IDEAL SKIIN CARES : Intensive and critical care nursing.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article professionnel

Aktualisierte Vergütungsregelungen für silberhaltige Wundauflagen in der Schweiz : Implikationen der MiGeL-Revision 2022 für die Wundversorgung

Mayer, D., Probst, S.

(2024). Aktualisierte Vergütungsregelungen für silberhaltige Wundauflagen in der Schweiz : Implikationen der MiGeL-Revision 2022 für die Wundversorgung : Wundmanagement.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article professionnel

Application and challenges of using a Constructivist Grounded Theory methodology to address an undertheorized clinical challenge : a discussion paper

Bobbink, P., Larkin, P., Probst, S.

(2024). Application and challenges of using a Constructivist Grounded Theory methodology to address an undertheorized clinical challenge : a discussion paper : International journal of nursing studies advances.

Auteur(s) : Paul Bobbink, Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique

Co-creation and evaluation of an algorithm for the development of a mobile application for wound care among new graduate nurses : a mixed methods study

Gagnon, J., Chartrand, J., Probst, S., Maillet, E., Reynolds, E., Lalonde, M.

(2024). Co-creation and evaluation of an algorithm for the development of a mobile application for wound care among new graduate nurses : a mixed methods study : International wound journal.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique

Content of a wound care mobile application for newly graduated nurses : an e-Delphi study

Gagnon, J., Chartrand, J., Probst, S., Lalonde, M.

(2024). Content of a wound care mobile application for newly graduated nurses : an e-Delphi study : BMC Nursing.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique

Empathy in wound care : a scoping review protocol

Menon, T., Tehan, P., Bergin, S., Brand, G., Probst, S.

(2024). Empathy in wound care : a scoping review protocol : Wound Practice and Research.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique

Evaluation of a semi-automated wound-halving algorithm for split-wound design studies: a step towards enhanced wound-healing assessment

Georg, P. J., Schmid, M. E., Zahia, S., Probst, S., Cazzaniga, S., Hunger, R., Bossart, S.

(2024). Evaluation of a semi-automated wound-halving algorithm for split-wound design studies: a step towards enhanced wound-healing assessment : Journal of clinical medicine.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique

Extended Abstract - Die Behandlung von Wundgeruch und Exsudat mithilfe einer multifunktionalen Wundauflage : eine Fallserie

Probst, S., Saini, C.

(2024). Extended Abstract - Die Behandlung von Wundgeruch und Exsudat mithilfe einer multifunktionalen Wundauflage : eine Fallserie : Wundmanagement.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst, Camille Saini

Article scientifique

Facilitators and barriers for nurses when educating people with chronic wounds : a qualitative interview study

Paden, L., Gschwind, G., Vettorazzi, R., Probst, S.

(2024). Facilitators and barriers for nurses when educating people with chronic wounds : a qualitative interview study : Journal of tissue viability.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Article scientifique


Probst, S.

(2024). Introduction : Skin Necrosis.

Auteur(s) : Sebastian Probst

Chapitre de livre