Portrait de Tewfiq El Maliki

Tewfiq El Maliki

Professeur HES associé
Responsable de groupe

+41 22 558 66 71
Bureau A422


  • Informatique et systèmes de communication

Institut / Groupe de compétences

Site(s) d'enseignement

  • HEPIA Prairie



HEPIA - Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture
Rue de la Prairie 4
1202 Genève

Towards enhancing trustworthy data accessibility in the crop commodity sector with LLMs
Chebbi A., Kniesel G., Abdennadher N., Di Marzo Serugendo G., El Maliki T.
11th IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science (SDS), Proceedings pp. 262-266, Zurich, Switzerland, 30.-31.05.2024.
Empowering Aging Populations: Implementing Robotics Solutions for Elderly
6th IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability (ECBIOS 2024), Tainan, Taiwan, 13.-16.06.2024.
Context-aware Trust Metrics for non critical IoT Applications: an Intrinsic Data Quality approach
13th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2022), Irbid, Jordan, 21.-23.06.2022.
Adaptive Security in Cloud and Edge Networks New IoT Security Approach
El Maliki T., Abdennadher N., Bouchedakh Nizar
Think Mind ICONS 2018, Athens, Greece, 22-26.04.2018
Adaptive Security in Cloud and Edge Networks New IoT Security Approach
ICONS 2018, the 13th International Conference on Systems, 22-26.04.2018