Portrait de Abdelkrim Bennani

Abdelkrim Bennani

Professeur HES associé
Responsable de l'institut inPACT

+41 22 558 50 01
Bureau CR11D


  • Génie civil

Site(s) d'enseignement

  • HEPIA Prairie



HEPIA - Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture
Rue de la Prairie 4
1202 Genève

Structural behavior of 3D printed load bearing elements
Baz B.A., Nana W.S.A., Regnault de la Mothe L., Florentin J., Ouedraogo K.A.J., Cardia G., Ugwu C., Werzinger M., Meyer-Brötz F., Bennani A., Lombois-Burger H.
Digital Concrete 2024 - Supplementary Proceedings, 4th RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, Munich, Germany, 04.-06.09.2024.
Concrete Volumetric Building Units for Highly Environmental-Efficient Modular Houses
Sawadogo S.A.S.L., Bui T.T., Bennani A., et al.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering and Structures, 482: 270-278, CIGOS 2024, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 04.-05.04.2024.
Experimental and numerical study on static and dynamic axial crushing of square aluminum tubes: Effects of cutouts
Bui T.-T., Al Galib D., Bennani A., Limam A.
International Journal of Protective Structures, 36 p.
Behaviour of macro-synthetic fibers reinforced concrete: Experimental, numerical and design code investigations
Nana W.S.A., Tran H.V., Goubin T., Kubisztal G., Bennani A., Bui T.T., Cardia G., Limam A.
Structures 32: 1271-1286.
Shear Performance of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups: Experimental Investigation
Bui T. T., Nana W. S. A. , Doucet-Ferru B., Bennani A., Lequay H., Limam A.
International Journal of Civil Engineering.
Buckling Behavior of Metallic Cylindrical Shell Structures Strenghened with CFRP Composite
Draidi Z., Bui T.T., Limam A., Tran H.V., Bennani A.
Advances in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2018, Article ID 4231631, 13 pages.
Bétons avec sables de mâchefers et ciment alternatif à partir de cendres
Co-organisation de la présentation – atelier avec Australp Sarl, HEPIA Genève, laboratoire LEMS.