Swann Pichon

Professeur HES associé


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  • Publications
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+41 22 558 66 42

Haute école de santé - Genève
Avenue de Champel 47, 1206 Genève, CH

10 publications

Wound segmentation with U-Net using a dual attention mechanism and transfer learning

Niri, R., Zahia, S., Stefanelli, A., Sharma, K., Probst, S., Pichon, S., Chanel, G.

(2025). Wound segmentation with U-Net using a dual attention mechanism and transfer learning : Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine .


Auteur(s) : Alessio Stefanelli, Sebastian Probst, Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

A video-game-based method to induce states of high and low flow

Joessel, F., Pichon, S., Bavelier, D.

(2024). A video-game-based method to induce states of high and low flow : Behavior research methods.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

Evaluating the effect of action-like video game play and of casual video game play on anxiety in adolescents with elevated anxiet y: protocol for a multi-center, parallel group, assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial

Gradi, N., Chopin, A., Bavelier, D., Shechner, T., Pichon, S.

(2024). Evaluating the effect of action-like video game play and of casual video game play on anxiety in adolescents with elevated anxiet y: protocol for a multi-center, parallel group, assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial : BMC Psychiatry.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

Disrespect during childbirth and postpartum mental health : a French cohort study

Leavy, E., Cortet, M., Huissoud, C., Desplanches, T., Sormani, J., Viaux-Savelon, S., Dupont, C., Pichon, S., Gaucher, L.

(2023). Disrespect during childbirth and postpartum mental health : a French cohort study : BMC pregnancy childbirth.


Auteur(s) : Emma Pulh-Leavy, Swann Pichon, Laurent Gaucher, Jessica Di Vincenzo-Sormani, Thomas Desplanches

Article scientifique

Pregnancy, mental well-being and lockdown: a nationwide online survey in France

Gaucher, L., Barasinski, C., Dupont, C., Razurel, C., Pichon, S., Leavy, E., Viaux-Savelon, S., Cortet, M., Franck, N., Haesebaert, F., Haesebaert, J.

(2022). Pregnancy, mental well-being and lockdown: a nationwide online survey in France : Healthcare.


Auteur(s) : Laurent Gaucher, Chantal Razurel, Swann Pichon, Emma Pulh-Leavy

Article scientifique

Emotion perception in habitual players of action video games

Pichon, S., Bediou, B., Antico, L., Jack, R., Garrod, O., Sims, C., Green, C. S., Schyns, P., Bavelier, D.

(2021). Emotion perception in habitual players of action video games : Emotion.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

Higher availability of α4β2 nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in dorsal ACC is linked to more efficient interference control

Pichon, S., Garibotto, V. , Wissmeyer, M., Seimbille, Y. , Antico, L. , Ratib, O. , Vuilleumier, P. , Haller, S., Picard, F.

(2020). Higher availability of α4β2 nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in dorsal ACC is linked to more efficient interference control : NeuroImage.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal–amygdala neural circuitry during positive-social emotion regulation

Scharnowski, F., Nicholson, A. A. , Pichon, S., Rosa, M. J. , Rey, G., Eickhoff, S. B. , Van De Ville, D., Vuilleumier, P., Koush, Y.

(2020). The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal–amygdala neural circuitry during positive-social emotion regulation : Human Brain Mapping.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

Brain networks for engaging oneself in positive-social emotion regulation

Koush, Y., Pichon, S., Eickhoff, S. B., Van De Ville, D., Vuilleumier, P., Scharnowski, F.

(2019). Brain networks for engaging oneself in positive-social emotion regulation : Neuroimage.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique

Reducing the use of screen electronic devices in the evening is associated with improved sleep and daytime vigilance in adolescents

Perrault, A. A., Bayer, L., Peuvrier, M., Afyouni, A., Ghisletta, P., Brockmann, C., Spiridon, M., Hulo Vesely, S., Haller, D. M., Pichon, S., Perrig, S., Schwartz, S., Sterpenich, V.

(2019). Reducing the use of screen electronic devices in the evening is associated with improved sleep and daytime vigilance in adolescents : Sleep.


Auteur(s) : Swann Pichon

Article scientifique