
1250 publications correspondantes

How does delivery method influence factors that contribute to women's childbirth experiences?

Carquillat, P., Boulvain, M., Guittier, M. J.

(2016). How does delivery method influence factors that contribute to women's childbirth experiences? : Midwifery.

Auteur(s) : Marie-Julia Guittier

Article scientifique

How effective are community-based health promotion programmes? Insights from realist evaluation

Breton, E., Dupin, C. M., Dorsey, M.

(2016). How effective are community-based health promotion programmes? Insights from realist evaluation : European Journal of Public Health.

Article scientifique

How much protein and energy are needed to equilibrate nitrogen and energy balances in ventilated critically ill children?

Jotterand Chaparro, C., Laure Depeyre, J., Longchamp, D., Perez, M. H., Taffe, P., Cotting, J.

(2016). How much protein and energy are needed to equilibrate nitrogen and energy balances in ventilated critically ill children? : Clinical Nutrition.

Auteur(s) : Corinne Jotterand Chaparro

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Immunisation coverage among adolescents in a Swiss juvenile correctional facility

Jeannot, E., Huber, T., Casillas, A., Wolff, H., Getaz, L.

(2016). Immunisation coverage among adolescents in a Swiss juvenile correctional facility : Acta Paediatrica.

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In vivo pink-beam imaging and fast alignment procedure for rat brain tumor radiation therapy

Nemoz, C., Kibleur, A., Hyacinthe, J. N., Berruyer, G., Brochard, T., Brauer-Krisch, E., Le Duc, G., Brun, E., Elleaume, H., Serduc, R.

(2016). In vivo pink-beam imaging and fast alignment procedure for rat brain tumor radiation therapy : Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.

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Influence of different degrees of bilateral emulated contractures at the triceps surae on gait kinematics : difference between gastrocnemius and soleus

Attias, M., Bonnefoy-Mazure, A., Cheze, L., Decoulon, G., Armand, S.

(2016). Influence of different degrees of bilateral emulated contractures at the triceps surae on gait kinematics : difference between gastrocnemius and soleus : Gait & Posture.

Auteur(s) : Michael Attias

Papier de conférence

Je n'irai pas, je suis morte

Ducourant, O.

(2016). Je n'irai pas, je suis morte : Santé Mentale.

Article professionnel

L'acceptabilite de l'intervention Revie ⊕ : perception et vecu des infirmieres

Da Rocha, G., Colin, S., Shaha, M., Pautex, S.

(2016). L'acceptabilite de l'intervention Revie ⊕ : perception et vecu des infirmieres : Recherche en soins infirmiers.

Article scientifique

L'interprofessionnalité va-t-elle faire chuter le premier de cordée?

Mèche, P., Tejerina, O., Van Gessel, E.

(2016). L'interprofessionnalité va-t-elle faire chuter le premier de cordée? : Revue Médicale Suisse.

Auteur(s) : Petra Meche, Olivier Tejerina

Article scientifique

La marche en « flexion de genoux » bilatérale causée par des rétractions musculaires : implication des muscles ilio-psoas, ischio-jambiers et gastrocnemius

Attias, M., Bonnefoy Mazure, A., Decoulon, G., Cheze, L., Armand, S.

(2016). La marche en « flexion de genoux » bilatérale causée par des rétractions musculaires : implication des muscles ilio-psoas, ischio-jambiers et gastrocnemius : Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology.

Auteur(s) : Michael Attias

Article scientifique