Marie-Anaïs Petit

Collaboratrice scientifique HES

Technique en radiologie médicale IR-HEdS

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+41 22 558 61 36

Haute école de santé - Genève
Avenue de Champel 47, 1206 Genève, CH

Domaine : Santé
Filière principale : Technique en radiologie médicale

1 publications

A serious game as a tool for personalized learning of MRI techniques and physics as part of the radiographer training program

Gaignot, C., Petit, M. A., Ismaili, M., Piguet, M., Sagne, A.

(2024). A serious game as a tool for personalized learning of MRI techniques and physics as part of the radiographer training program : Swiss Congress of Radiology .

Auteur(s) : Céline Gaignot, Marie-Anaïs Petit, Aurèle Sagne

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