
1318 publications correspondantes

Le déficit d’empathie chez l’adolescent, une faille dans la relation thérapeutique

Pinon, M., Forestier, A.

(2018). Le déficit d’empathie chez l’adolescent, une faille dans la relation thérapeutique : Soins psychiatrie.

Auteur(s) : Mélanie Pinon, Aline Forestier

Article professionnel

Les défis de la pédagogie inversée

Nunno Paillard, C.

(2018). Les défis de la pédagogie inversée : Obstetrica.

Auteur(s) : Catia Nunno Paillard

Article professionnel

Lessons learnt about a feasibility study among children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years to prepare the next national nutrition survey

Chatelan, A., Bochud, M.

(2018). Lessons learnt about a feasibility study among children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years to prepare the next national nutrition survey : Lausanne.

Auteur(s) : Angéline Chatelan


Lessons learnt about conducting a multilingual nutrition survey in Switzerland: results from menuCH pilot survey

Chatelan, A., Marques-Vidal, P., Bucher, S., Siegenthaler, S., Metzger, N., Zuberbuhler, C. A., Camenzind-Frey, E., Reggli, A., Bochud, M., Beer-Borst, S.

(2018). Lessons learnt about conducting a multilingual nutrition survey in Switzerland: results from menuCH pilot survey : International journal for vitamin and nutrition research .

Auteur(s) : Angéline Chatelan

Article scientifique

Modulating functional connectivity after stroke with neurofeedback: effect on motor deficits in a controlled cross-over study

Mottaz, A. , Corbet, T. , Doganci, N. , Magnin, C. , Nicolo, P. , Schnider, A. , Guggisberg, A. G.

(2018). Modulating functional connectivity after stroke with neurofeedback: effect on motor deficits in a controlled cross-over study : NeuroImage : Clinical.

Auteur(s) : Pierre Nicolo

Article scientifique

Molecular oxygen loading in candidate theranostic droplets stabilized with biocompatible fluorinated surfactants: Particle size effect and application to in situ(19)F MRI mapping of oxygen partial pressure

Lorton, O., Hyacinthe, J. N., Desgranges, S., Gui, L., Klauser, A., Celicanin, Z., Crowe, L. A., Lazeyras, F., Allemann, E., Taulier, N., Contino-Pepin, C., Salomir, R.

(2018). Molecular oxygen loading in candidate theranostic droplets stabilized with biocompatible fluorinated surfactants: Particle size effect and application to in situ(19)F MRI mapping of oxygen partial pressure : Journal of Magnetic Resonance .

Article scientifique

Pain and health-related quality of life (HRQoL): a national observational study in community-dwelling older adults

Cedraschi, C., Ludwig, C., Allaz, A.-F., Herrmann, F. R., Luthy, C.

(2018). Pain and health-related quality of life (HRQoL): a national observational study in community-dwelling older adults : European Geriatric Medicine.

Auteur(s) : Catherine Ludwig

Article scientifique

PANDA – Télémédecine au service de la santé maternelle et néonatale

Sormani, J.

(2018). PANDA – Télémédecine au service de la santé maternelle et néonatale : Obstetrica.

Auteur(s) : Jessica Di Vincenzo-Sormani

Article professionnel

Parents sentinel of the health of their child with an intellectual and developmental disability : an innovative tool to provide respite to an endless parenthood

Paignon, A., Cinter, F.

(2018). Parents sentinel of the health of their child with an intellectual and developmental disability : an innovative tool to provide respite to an endless parenthood : 1st international conference : Countering staff shortage among health professions – together for a healthy health care system.

Auteur(s) : Adeline Paignon

Présentation orale

Pertinence du score de Beigthon pour évaluer le syndrome d’hyper-mobilité des jeunes danseuses classiques : influence de l’âge sur les paramètres

Bruyneel, A. V.

(2018). Pertinence du score de Beigthon pour évaluer le syndrome d’hyper-mobilité des jeunes danseuses classiques : influence de l’âge sur les paramètres : Mains libres.

Auteur(s) : Anne-Violette Bruyneel

Article scientifique