Impact of mode of delivery on the physical and psychological health of first-time parents


The steady increase in the number of Cesarean sections in industrialized countries raises concern. The World Health Organization recommends a maximum rate of Cesarean sections of 15%, whereas in Switzerland it has reached 31%. It is difficult to control this phenomenon even though the obstetric and physical consequences of the different modes of delivery are not well understood in the medium term (6 months to 2 years). Similarly, psychological aspects such as the experience of childbirth, depression, changes in the marital relationship, sex within the relationship, as well as the impact on health behaviors such as physical activity and addictions in both parents are poorly documented. Data on the father are especially rare. A possible relationship with the fact that 25% of married couples divorce within the first five years of marriage also awaits exploration. In light of the medical, psychological, social and economic issues, there is an urgent need to scientifically evaluate the multidimensional impact of the mode of delivery on the health of young parents.

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