
Creative experimentation workshop

The creative experimentation workshops are led by two professors active in the creation of contemporary works, who put the development of the students’ creative projects at the heart of their work. 

Thanks to the workshops, the students develop their creativity through an experience that involves the creation, interpretation and design of plays, very often offered to the public in ‘site specific’ form.

Through various collaborations with the city of Geneva’s cultural partners and with the other departments of the HEM, the workshops are promoted on the local scene, with the search for links between music and movement opening up various fields of exploration in the digital arts, architecture, composition, etc.

The workshop is a unique occasion when the student explores the links between music and movement, a chance to discover and create multi-disciplinary pieces that blend together the body, the instrument and the space, and make it possible to tackle works in a variety of styles. 


Florence Jaccottet

Head of the Music and Movement Department - Professor of Creative Experimentation Workshop - Jaques-Dalcroze Eurhythmics - Movement Technique and Composition - Coordinator of Physical and Mental Preparation

Born in 1989 in Lausanne, Florence Jaccottet began studying Jaques-Dalcroze eurhythmics at a young age at the Conservatory of her hometown. Simultaneously, she studied piano in the class of Helena Maffli, completing her course in 2008 with a Prize of Excellence. Driven by her passion for both musical and physical expression, she pursued the Music and Movement program at the Haute école de musique de Genève, earning a Bachelor of Arts in 2011, awarded the Marguerite Croptier Lange Pedagogy Prize. Two years later, she completed her studies with a Master of Arts in Jaques-Dalcroze Pedagogy, which was recognized with the Jaques-Dalcroze Institute Prize. Florence Jaccottet is currently a scholarship recipient working towards a Diplôme Supérieur, during which she received the Prize for Excellence in Teaching Solfège. Her creation "Entrée en matières," presented in 2017 in a duo with percussionist Michael Chapon, was awarded the Alethéia Foundation Prize. In 2015, Florence Jaccottet was awarded the title of Professor of Jaques-Dalcroze Eurhythmics by the Jaques-Dalcroze Institute. She has been teaching this method to both adults and children in various settings since 2011 and continually deepens her expertise by participating in numerous masterclasses abroad. Since 2015, she has been teaching movement technique, composition, and creation at the Haute école de musique de Genève, and in 2018, she was appointed lecturer in eurhythmics at the institution. Balancing teaching with artistic expression, Florence Jaccottet's activities also revolve around her passion for dance, which she has explored in various forms for many years. Since 2013, she has focused particularly on contemporary dance and improvisation with Professor Emilio Artessero Quesada. Her artistic research centers on expressing rhythm and musicality through movement, creating a unique contemporary dance language. This distinctive approach has led to invitations to present her performances and the techniques she develops for future eurhythmics practitioners in Switzerland and, more recently, internationally, including in Japan and South Korea.

Daniel Zea

Atelier d'expérimentation créative / Électroacoustique Jaques-Dalcroze

Designer, artiste sonore et compositeur, Daniel Zea vit et travaille à Genève. Son univers artistique gravite autour de la musique instrumentale et électroacoustique, la performance hybride mêlant vidéo, son, systèmes de captation gestuelle et physical computing, ainsi que de la programmation. Il collabore régulièrement dans des projets interdisciplinaires (arts visuels, chorégraphie, performance), et il donne des cours à la Haute École d’Art et Design de Genève. Il participe à la direction artistique de l’ensemble Vortex, y travaillant à la fois en tant que compositeur et interprète de musique électroacoustique. Très actif dans le domaine pédagogique, il a été artiste référant des résidences artistiques multidisciplinaires à la Fondation Royaumont, et récemment au GRAME, centre de création musicale à Lyon. Sa pièce The Fuck Facebook Face Orchestra a été lauréate du Giga Hertz Preis 2016 du ZKM (Karlsruhe, Allemagne), et en 2017, Pocket Enemy a fait parti de la sélection de l’International Rostrum of Composers. En 2023 ira reçu le Prix pour les Arts Sonores de la Fondation Liechti. Dans son travail, il porte une réflexion interrogative et critique sur la relation de notre société au numérique, parfois avec un certain engagement politique non dépourvu d’humour. Cependant, ses intérêts musicaux ne s’arrêtent pas sur la création expérimentale contemporaine.  Il est aussi passionné du folklore. Côté colombien, il explore le répertoire de la région caraïbe (cumbia, fandango, porro) avec Palenque la Papayera. Amoureux de la musique traditionnelle du Sud-est mexicain, il est membre des groupes Cocoxoca et Gema y sus Valedores.   Daniel Zea était l’invité du Festival Les Amplitudes de La Chaux-de-Fonds en 2024. En savoir plus sur Daniel Zea

Florence Jaccottet
Photo portrait de Daniel Zea

Departments and associated courses