inPACT Institute

MENU inPACT Institute



Réseau construction durable suisse

Paola Tosolini, HES Professor, represents HEPIA in the Swiss sustainable construction


Réseau national de compétence technique du bâtiment et des énergies renouvelables

Peter Gallinelli, HES teacher, represents HEPIA in the national network of technical competence in building and renewable energies.


Centre suisse d'études pour la rationalisation de la construction

Bernd Domer, HES Professor, represents HEPIA at the Swiss study centre for the rationalisation of construction (CRB).


Bauen digital Schweiz

Bernd Domer, HES Professor, represents HEPIA on the executive committee of Bauen digital


European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE)

Bernd Domer, HES Professor, is a member of the EG-ICE committee.

Steuergruppe BIM-Geodaten

Bernd Domer, HES Professor, is a member of the committee.


Chaire d’innovations transfrontalières sur l’efficience énergétique (CITEE)

Gilles Desthieux, Professor HES, represents HEPIA as member of the chair’s scientific steering committee.