Laure Rogemond, lauréate de la 2e édition du Prix Croix-Rouge HEAD – Genève

Thursday 13 October 2016

The Geneva Red Cross (CRG), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the University of Art and Design (HEAD–Genève) organized for the second consecutive year the Prix artistique Croix-Rouge HEAD – Genève which aims to encourage and honor the connection between art and humanity. The prize is awarded once a year, the student-e or-the-e graduate having achieved the best artistic creation in Visual Arts, Design and Cinema, inspired by a reflection on humanity, value to the behind the creation of the Red Cross.

The award ceremony was held at the Espace Hippomène Thursday, October 13 in the presence of an enthusiastic audience. Nominations of five HEAD–Genève graduates were selected among 30 applications received. And Hind Chammas, Graduate Master Media Design, Sayaka Mizuno, graduated Bachelor Cinema / Film real, Coline Mauroy, graduated Bachelor of Architecture Interior, Laure Rogemond, graduated in Visual Communication, and Dorian Ozhan Sari, graduated Bachelor in Visual Arts presented their plans for the evening. Every appliants worked on the theme of migration, integration, hospitality, humanity.

For this second edition, the prize was awarded to Laure Rogemond, Visual Communication graduate for her diploma work “ Je vais essayer, c'est la vie “,

The jury was composed with: Mohini Ghai Kramer, Deputy Director of Communications at CICR, Jean-Pierre Greff, HEAD–Genève director, Isabelle Moncada, journalist and producer at RTS, Françoise Ninghetto, Mamco past deputy director and art historian, Nathalie Narbel, Geneva Red Cross director.

The event was introduced by a performance of Christelle Sanvee, art/action option in Visual Arts graduate. Appliants works were exhibited with a scenography of Juliette Roduit, HEAD Interior architecture alumna.

View all of the school's events

Laure Rogemond, « Je vais essayer, c’est la vie »
© HEAD - Genève